Thursday, July 21, 2011

pet peeves

Well I have to admit I am not being a very nice person today... Mostly the thoughts in my head aren't very nice and to refrain from saying them out loud I will post them here:

1. If your jokes are not funny laughing after will not make them funnier.

2. When you see me doing YOUR work, do not ask if I did it... DUH

3. Homework sucks and I do not feel like doing it!

4. I am dreading this weekend... Yes I loved my grandma but who gets excited about a funeral, especially one that is 8 hours away?

5. When someone squeezes out the very last drop of the dropper and puts it back in the vial. So annoying.

6. When a certain person doesn't do their job, forcing you to do more work.

7. Flaky people... just do what you say your going to do.

8.Tattoos that look trashy. Just don't do it people.

9. People who ask the same question every day. Honestly the answer is the same as yesterday.

10. a person who cannot accept the fact that I am better than her. And tries to make my accomplishments seems less important compared to hers.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Yes its true!

The final harry potter movie made it into theaters this last weekend and I could hardly contain my excitement! Syd and I watched the previous movies so we would be prepared and I really wish I had time to reread the books before going but I couldn't make that happen.

It was amazing!!! Probably my favorite movie of all time, yes not only of the series but of the entire film industry period. 

Plus the start of the show are Hotties :) Here are a few pictures...


oh Draco

even emma watson has become gorgeous!

Emma Watson

This series has become so intertwined in my child hood I have grown up with these books and movies, I am sad that it has come to an end but I believe that one day my children will love them and their children's children. I will reread and rewatch these over and over again. I can't wait to see the movie again!

I have many things going on in my life right now and I just want to leave you with a thought; always treat others with kindness because you have no idea what is going on in their lives. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Grown up :)

So it happened... I got my own place :) It is a two bed room one bath apartment that is pretty cute! It isn't quite the first place but it is perfect for me! I have to admit being all by myself is nice, it is pretty lonely but I suppose I'll get used to it.

So now for some pictures-
 guest room
 my room
 kitchen part 2 :)
 my new couch, I love it!!
 I have cute shelves
 love those birds :)
the hall

Also organic milk is 10X better than regular milk... it is totally worth the extra money.