Friday, January 6, 2012

Five for Friday

This is a link up from another bloggers site... From My Grey Desk  I love reading her posts maybe you will too :)

1. I am a home owner officially on Monday! Crazy!

2. Getting so many hours at work :) Making money for my house payments

3. I am getting a puppy!! He is a Westie and I am so excited!

4. All of my favorite tv shows are back from the holiday break! Love me some vampire diaries and Greys :)

5. Finally getting a house means I can start making my Pinterest crafts!

follow me here: Pinterest!

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The old and the new :)

A few pictures of Christmas to begin with.

It was a great Christmas, Loads of family time and holiday spirit. I don't like listing what I received because it seems superficial... I'll just say I am extremely spoiled and grateful for all of the gifts from everyone. :)

Now Happy New Year! I find new year resolutions hard to keep but because I want to strive to be a better person here are some of mine:

#1 Hit the gym more often
#2 Clean more often
#3 Follow my budget so I can afford my house payment.
#4 Stop running from my problems
#5  Stop trying to make Others happy. I need to live my Life for me!
#6 Spend time with people who want me in their life.

This is the brief version of my goals, I read an article that really struck a chord with me... if you care to read it please go to this link :